INBOUND 2016: Tech Nerd Paradise

INBOUND 2016: Tech Nerd Paradise

It’s been a whirlwind of a week in Boston and I’ve returned to Stanton Street with sore feet, a bag full of tchotchkes and many wicked cool ideas. The INBOUND 2016 conference had over 19K in attendance soaking up inspirational talks, educational breakout sessions, and opportunities to network with like-minded individuals from around the world.

My personal schedule included sessions on web design, sales & marketing, legal contracts, social media and most importantly… lunch. No joke peeps, my schedule was jam packed but I loved every minute of it.

Many of the underlying themes focused on the evolution of content consumption and how we are living in “Mark Zuckerberg’s World.” Attitudes toward social media have shifted and segmented making it harder to reach our target audiences. We must learn how to add value to the experience instead of extracting from it.

Topics ranged from marketing to consumers within a social media structure to reforming your communication through personalization. Website sessions included insights on providing a seamless journey for your users focusing on testing, data, and collaboration with clients.

Attitudes towards how we sell our products have also changed. People no longer want the hard sell or the cold call. They want quality, dependability, and knowledge. In addition, they want a “test drive” and the ability to customize or control their journey.

We were also given sets of tools to help us in our prospective businesses, many of which I’m hoping we can roll out to the El Paso market. I’m very excited to see the great things we can accomplish and I’m hoping you’ll come on this voyage with us.

Would you like to pick my brain? Know more about all of the goodies? Give me a call, we’ll do lunch.


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